Will Your Company Be Compliant-Ready In Time?

FSMA 204 compliance preparation is among the top priorities across the fresh produce industry.  For distributors, compliance is arguably more complex, due to the sheer number of connections and the varying sizes of supplier & customer relationships they intersect with. 

The Produce Distributors Association (PDA) understands the challenges surrounding FSMA 204 and is committed to supporting Members & Non-Members and hosted a FREE webinar on Tuesday, September 24th.

What We Do

The Produce Distributors Association (PDA) – originally founded in 1989 as NAPAR (National Association of Perishable Agricultural Receivers) and headquartered in Washington, D.C. – is the first and only organization of its kind that solely advocates for fresh produce distributors. Initially an east coast-based organization made up of terminal market members, a key goal of the reborn organization is to build national membership with broad representation by the next generation in the evolution of produce distribution. 

The PDA’s primary goal is to give a strong and active political voice and a much-needed seat at the table in Washington, D.C. Industry issues—such as regulatory matters — often affect supply-chain participants differently, making it difficult for national associations to effectively represent the interests of their entire membership base. The PDA, on the other hand, will advocate exclusively & vigorously on behalf of Produce Distributors.

PDA will initially be taking up a number of issues including FSMA 204 and the drafting of Good Delivery Standards for specialty commodities now more commonly flowing through produce distributors. Moreover, PDA will serve as an industry watchdog, ensuring that distributors are treated fairly. PDA’s representation in Washington will be its eyes and ears, reporting back to the membership on current topics and those lurking in the future, so we can get a proactive head start on these issues.

Industry Veteran Now PDA’s President

Alan Siger is PDA’s President bringing with him forty years of industry experience as CEO / owner of Consumers Produce in Pittsburgh, PA. During that time, Alan lead or served on numerous association committees, including Chairman of United Fresh and its Government Relations Committee.


With your support, PDA can be your industry voice, especially when the national associations may not have the best interests of produce distributors first in mind. To become a member, simply click on the button below.

Key Achievements

USDA proposed to revise the application of tolerances section. Produce Distributors Association was the only organization to file comments and the Agency incorporated our suggestions into the new standard on 3/8/08.

When USDA proposed revising color requirements to allow for a lesser amount of color and/or varying shades of color, Produce Distributors Association objected explaining that a berry whose entire surface is not blue or black is not fully ripened and will not ripen after it is picked. Produce Distributors Association said allowing berries with less than the “whole surface” fully colored would be to allow unripe berries into the U.S. No. 1 grade. USDA dropped its proposal.

USDA proposed revising standards to allow that percentages of defects and size classifications be determined by count rather than weight. They proposed to add moldy stems as a damage defect and a damage scoring guide for skin checks. Produce Distributors Association supported the proposal and it was approved by USDA.

USDA proposed to revise the U.S. Grade Standards for Kale to allow percentages to be determined by count rather than weight and revise the application of tolerances for packages of fewer than 15 specimens. At Produce Distributors Association’s request, the agency allowed standards to be used for kale leaves and bunches of leaves in addition to plants. The proposed changes were adopted.

USDA proposed a new voluntary U.S. standard for Grades of Field Grown Leaf Lettuce, providing a common language for trade and measuring value. Produce Distributors Association favored the standards, but said tolerances should be identical to those for Greenhouse Grown Leaf Lettuce and that Russet Spotting should be addressed in the tolerances section. USDA disagreed that standards should be the same for Greenhouse Grown and Field Grown, but did add Russet Spotting as a defect.

With Produce Distributors Association’s support, USDA revised the Standards for Grades of Persian (Tahiti) Limes to allow juice content to be determined by weight, rather than volume. Produce Distributors Association advised USDA that its proposal to add the terms “Turning”, or “Mixed Color” to the grade would be confusing, and the agency made those designations optional.

USDA proposed new U.S. Standards for Grades of Mangos. Produce Distributors Association generally supported the initiative, but said they should allow for continued use of certain package sizes and that tolerances for decay should be lowered. USDA adopted the grade standards, but did not lower the decay tolerance. They removed the size requirements section altogether.

USDA proposed to define "seedless watermelons" as those with 16 or fewer mature seeds on the face when cut into four equal sections. They also proposed to allow watermelons to vary by only three pounds above or below the stated average weight. Produce Distributors Association supported creation of the standard, but said it was too lenient and that the definition should be zero mature seeds for small (10 lbs. or less) watermelons and four or less seeds for those over 10 lbs. USDA implemented a standard providing for 10 instead of 16 mature seeds., and adopted the 3-pound variance, supported by Produce Distributors Association.

USDA proposed to develop en route or at destination tolerances for the U.S. No. 1 and No.2 grades, revise current tolerances in all grades, delete the "Unclassified" section, and define damage and serious damage for many defects, such as cuts, clipped ends, etc. It also proposed to tighten up the scoring guidelines by adding portions of the current Inspection Instructions into the scoring guidelines for defects such as air cracks, bruises, etc. Produce Distributors Association commented that the en route and destination tolerances impacted receivers negatively and that the overall changes will dilute the grade standard and allow lesser quality product into the marketplace. Our arguments were completely ignored and the proposal was adopted on 4/21/08.

When USDA proposed to modify the standard for Snap Beans to allow tolerance percentages to be determined by count and not weight, Produce Distributors Association objected and said tolerance percentages should continue to be determined by weight. USDA withdrew the proposal.

USDA Agricultural Marketing Service proposed to incorporate standard row sizes into the U.S. Standards for Grades for Sweet Cherries. Produce Distributors Association largely opposed this change, offering specific suggestions for necessary improvement of the proposal. USDA finally withdrew the proposal.

USDA proposed to add a new grade, U.S. No. 1 Petite, to the grade standards for sweet potatoes. All standards for quality and condition that apply to U.S. No. 1 would apply to the new grade, except for size. With Produce Distributors Association’s support, the changes were adopted.

With Produce Distributors Association’s strong support, USDA changed the standards for Parsley to allow percentages to be determined by count rather than weight. The agency also eliminated the unclassified category.

Board of Directors


Matthew D’Arrigo,
D’Arrigo Bros. Co. of New York

John Vena,
1st Vice-Chairman
John Vena, Inc.

Alan Siger, 

Produce Distributors Association

Board Members

William Class III
The Class Produce Group

John McClelland
Liberty Fruit Co., Inc.

Carole Shandler
SGS Produce

Emeritus Board Members

Norman Vitrano
Tony Vitrano Company
Jay Rosenstein
Atlantic Fresh Trading


The Produce Distributors Association hosts the annual Pete Class Memorial Golf Tournament, which helps bring members and sponsors together for golf, business networking, and fostering produce-industry goodwill.

The tournament’s success is due in large part to the support of our sponsors, who are recognized in many ways throughout the tournament, and in Produce Distributors Association publications and on its website.

This is really more than a golf tournament; it’s a major source of funding for the association’s activities and a nice way to support the wonderful work that local charities do in providing for the most needy in our communities.

To learn more about our organization, for further information on membership, or to learn how to become a sponsor, contact Alan Siger below.

2025 Tournament

Save the date of Tuesday May 13th, 2025 for the 26th annual Pete Class Golf tournament to be held at Ballyowen Links in New Jersey.  Additional details to follow soon.

2024 Tournament

Produce industry friends gathered on Tuesday May 14th for the 25th annual Pete Class Golf Tournament on the beautiful and challenging Ballyowen Links course in New Jersey. In addition to the golf round, attendees enjoyed an awards dinner and a raffle.

Thank You to our 2024 Golfers!

Thank You to Our 2024 Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors 

Bronze Sponsors 

Alpine Fresh
ARGENT Productivity Optimization Solutions
Atlantic Fresh Trading
Bartolotta, LLC
Booth Ranches LLC
Bova Fresh, LLC
Central West Produce
Cordone Consulting LLC
Freitas Brothers
FreshX, Inc.
Gourmet Trading Co.

Hudson River Fruit
Ippolito International
Jasmine Vineyards Inc
John Vena Inc.
Lancaster Foods, LLC
Mucci International Marketing Inc.
Nature Fresh
Nonpareil – Idaho Potato Packers
Pacific International Marketing
Patandon Produce
Race West & Phillip G. Ball Company
Rice Fruit Company

S&S Marketing and Sales Inc.
Sbrocco International INC
Sundale Sales Inc.
T.M. Kovacevich – Philadelphia, Inc.
Target Interstate Systems, Inc
The Oppenheimer Group (Oppy)
Tony Vitrano Company
Top Banana LLC.
Victor Joseph & Son, Inc
Washington Lettuce & Vegetable Company
West Pak Avocado

Golf Tournament Supporters

ARGENT Productivity
Atlantic Fresh Trading
Bartolotta, LLC
Optimization Solutions
Bengard Ranch Inc.

Classic Salads
Community-Suffolk, Inc.
D’Arrigo Bros. Co. of Mass
I Love Produce

JW Growth Partners
Krass Joseph Inc.
Kurt Zuhlke & Assoc., Inc.
Rubin Bros Produce Corp
Shapiro Gilman Shandler Co

Siger Group LLC
Strube Celery and Vegetable Co
VCPB Transportation
Wada Farms Marketing Group

Produce Distributors Association Welcomes Hearing From You

5000 Fifth Ave. Ste. 207 Pittsburgh, PA 15232-2150 

To reach Alan Siger (Produce Distributors Association President) via email, please use our form below.

The Produce Distributors Association is a national trade association focused exclusively on the unique needs of produce wholesale receivers.

5000 Fifth Ave. Ste. 207 Pittsburgh, PA 15232-2150